Contest Registration for
FORD Taste of Latino: Kissimmee
Register to be a TOP Latino Dish Chef!
Enjoy LIVE cultural music on Stage featuring LIVE Music and Dance Performances,
a true cultural festival featuring Food, Art & Cultural Exhibitors! TOP Latino Chef Contest Categories include: Dessert Category: Flan, Tres Leche, Guava Pastries; Appetizers: Tapas, Ceviche, Empanadas, Arepas, Tacos; Main Dish: Arroz con Pollo, Paella, Other Rice Dish.
Contests Include: Best Cuban Sandwiches & Top Latino Dish! Pre-Qualifier; World Food Champions Qualifying Event: 2023 |
Hispanic Heritage in Kissimmee!
FORD Kissimmee Taste of Latino Festival Festival: Saturday, Oct 8th, 2022 FORD's Taste of Latino: Food, Art & Music Festival, PLUS TOP Latino Chef Contest AND the TOP Florida Latino & Latina Lideres on: Saturday, Oct 8th, 2022 in Kissimmee, Florida!
Bask in the scents, sounds, and flavors of Latin American Foods, Art, and Music! ENJOY LATIN FOOD from featured cultures: Puerto Rico, Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Peru, Venezuela and MORE! FORD KISSIMMEE Taste Of Latino, Top Latino Lideres Awards PLUS Top Latino Chef Contest Cuban Sandwich Festival Contestant Registration
Contestants receive a tremendous amount of media exposure, the winners receive bragging rights, as well as an award and a media/advertising promotional package! Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a contestant! This option is included for FREE with the registration of your Vendor spot. Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a participant. You will be allowed to compete in up to 4 non-vending categories. |
Open to Chefs from all over the WORLD! Register to compete today!
Email your web address, links to social media, your logo, pic of chef and pic of your restaurant, food truck, trailer of Tent set up to: [email protected] |