Marketing, Business Exhibitor Vendor Opportunities
Register to be a Business Exhibitor Vendor
Enjoy LIVE cultural music on Stage featuring LIVE Music and Dance Performances,
a true cultural festival featuring Food, Art & Cultural Exhibitors! |
Hispanic Heritage in Ybor City!
FORD Taste of Latino Festival & Top Lideres Awards - Plus Top Latino Chef Contest! Festival: Saturday, Oct 16th, 2022 Annual FORD's Taste of Latino: Food, Art & Music Festival, PLUS TOP Latino Chef Contest AND the TOP Florida Latino & Latina Lideres on: Saturday, Oct 16th, 2022 in Ybor City!
Bask in the scents, sounds, and flavors of Latin American Foods, Art, and Music! ENJOY LATIN FOOD from featured cultures: Puerto Rico, Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Peru, Venezuela and MORE! TOP Latino Chef Contest Categories include: Dessert Category: Flan, Tres Leche, Guava Pastries; Appetizers: Tapas, Ceviche, Empanadas, Arepas, Tacos; Main Dish: Arroz con Pollo, Paella, Other Rice Dish. PLUS VISIT THE Cuban Sandwich Winners Circle - featuring their Winning Cuban Sandwiches! |
6th Annual FORD TASTE OF LATINO Festival & Top Leaders Awards!
Business EXHIBITOR Vendor: (10x10)
Sunday, NOVEMBER 17TH, 2024 @ Historic Ybor City!
1; 10x10 Business Exhibitor Space
Exhibiting Companies Include: The Marketing or sales of any products or services, including the sampling of foods, drinks or distribution of information or materials, (not to include alcohol). Misc, Businesses include but are not limited to: Attorneys, Medial Professionals, Marketing Companies, Banks, Cellular Services, Medical, Home Improvement and Corporate.
Does not include: Table, Tent, Chairs, electric, weights, etc. If you need to rent those items, please request an rsvp form. Please note that ALL TENTS require Tent Weights.
Includes company name listed on website.
A 4.07% Processing fee is applied to all transactions processed via credit card.
To pay by mail, send a check for $1,350.00
Hispanic Cultural Resource Foundation, Inc.
14391 Spring Hill Dr
Suite # 417
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration. Please send us your logo via email to [email protected]. There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage!
6th Annual FORD Taste Of Latino, Top Latino Lideres Awards PLUS
Top Latino Chef Contest Cuban Sandwich Festival
Contestant Registration
Contestants receive a tremendous amount of media exposure, the winners receive bragging rights, as well as an award and a media/advertising promotional package! Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a contestant! This option is included for FREE with the registration of your Vendor spot. Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a participant. You will be allowed to compete in up to 4 non-vending categories.
Sunday, Oct 20th, 2024 @ Historic Ybor City
Contest Space ONLY: $100.00 - NO VENDING
A fee of 4.07% Processing fee is applied to all credit card payments.
Payments by mail: $150.00.
Remit Payment:
Hispanic Cultural Resource Foundation, Inc.
14391 Spring Hill Drive
Suite # 417
Spring Hill, FL 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration. There are no refunds on packages once they start. The event will go on rain or shine or they may be rescheduled.
6th Annual FORD Taste of Latino Festival & Top Latino Lideres Awards
PLUS TOP Latino Chef Contest!
Cuban Sandwich Contestant & Vendor: Sunday (12x12)
Sunday, October 20th 2024 @ in Historic Ybor City
1; 10x12 Vendor Space, plus 1 Contest Registration
This purchase includes 1 vendor space, and 1 contest registration. Space is 10 x 12 feet.
Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. Tent weights are required.
If you need add-ons such as Electric, Tent, Table, Chairs, weights, etc. We will send you a separate form with information on how to rent those items.
A 3.99% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions
To pay by mail, send a check for $450.00
Latin Times Media, Inc.,
14391 Spring Hill Dr
Suite # 417
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
6th Annual FORD Taste of Latino Festival & Top Latino Lideres Awards
PLUS TOP Latino Chef Contest!
Cuban Sandwich Contestant & Vendor: Truck/Trailer - Max 20Ft
Sunday, October 20th, 2024 @ in Historic Ybor City
1; Truck/Trailer Vendor Space (Max 10x20) -
Contestants receive a tremendous amount of media exposure, the winners receive bragging rights, as well as an award and a media/advertising promotional package! Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a contestant! This option is included for FREE with the registration of your Vendor spot. Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a participant. You will be allowed to compete in up to 4 non-vending categories.
This purchase includes 1 vendor space and 1 contest registration. Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. If you need add-ons such as Electric, Tent, Table, Chairs, etc. We will send you a separate form with information on how to rent those items.
A 3.99% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions
To pay by mail, send a check for $475.00
For Check Payment Remit to:
Latin Times Media, Inc.,
14391 Spring Hill Dr; Suite # 417; Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
6th Annual FORD TASTE OF LATINO Festival & Top Leaders Awards!
Business/Marketing EXHIBITOR Vendor: (10x20)
Sunday, NOVEMBER 17TH, 2024 @ Historic Ybor City!
1; 10x20 Business Exhibitor Space
Exhibiting Companies Include: The Marketing or sales of any products or services, including the sampling of foods, drinks or distribution of information or materials, (not to include alcohol). Misc, Businesses include but are not limited to: Attorneys, Medial Professionals, Marketing Companies, Banks, Cellular Services, Medical, Home Improvement and Corporate.
Does not include: Table, Tent, Chairs, electric, weights, etc. If you need to rent those items, please request an rsvp form. Please note that ALL TENTS require Tent Weights.
Includes company name listed on website.
A 4.07% Processing fee is applied to all transactions processed via credit card.
To pay by mail, send a check for $2,000.00
Hispanic Cultural Resource Foundation, Inc.
14391 Spring Hill Dr
Suite #417
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
6th Annual FORD Taste of Latino Festival & Top Latino Lideres Awards
PLUS TOP Latino Chef Contest!
Cuban Sandwich Contestant & Vendor: Sunday (12x20)
Sunday, NOVEMBER 17TH, 2024 @ in Historic Ybor City
1; 12x20 Tent Vendor Space, plus 1 Contest Registration
Contestants receive a tremendous amount of media exposure, the winners receive bragging rights, as well as an award and a media/advertising promotional package! Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a contestant! This option is included for FREE with the registration of your Vendor spot. Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a participant. You will be allowed to compete in up to 4 non-vending categories.
This purchase includes 1 vendor space, and 1 contest registration.
Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. If you need add-ons such as Electric, Tent, Table, Chairs, Tent Weights, etc. We will send you a separate form with information on how to rent those items. Please note that ALL TENTS Require Tent Weights.
A 3.99% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions
To pay by mail, send a check for $700.00
Latin Times Media, Inc.,
14391 Spring Hill Dr; Suite # 417; Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration. There are no refunds on packages once they start. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled.
6th Annual FORD Taste of Latino Festival & Top Latino Lideres Awards
Top Latino CHEF Contest Registration: Food Truck/Trailer up to 34 feet.
Sunday, NOV 17TH, 2024 @ Historic Ybor City
1; 12x34 Food Truck or trailer Vendor Space on Smackdown Sunday - THE BIG DAY.
Contestants receive a tremendous amount of media exposure, the winners receive bragging rights, as well as an award and a media/advertising promotional package! Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a contestant! This option is included for FREE with the registration of your Vendor spot. Once we received your registration we will add you to the website and start promoting you as a participant. You will be allowed to compete in up to 4 non-vending categories.
Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. If you need to rent these or any other items such as electricity, internet, fire extinguishers, etc, please request an additional order form.
There is VERY LIMITED Truck and Trailer space for Ybor CSF -to secure your spot please register your participation asap.
A 3.99% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions.
To pay by mail, send a check for $650.00
For Check Payment Remit to:
Latin Times Media, Inc.,
14391 Spring Hill Dr; Suite # 417;
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
6th Annual Ford Taste of Latino Festival
Food, Drink of Cultural Vendor: (10x20)
Sunday, NOV 17TH, 2024
@ Centennial Park in Historic Ybor City
1; 10x20 TENT SPACE. Food, Drink or Cultural Vendor Space on Smackdown
Sunday: The BIG Day.
Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. If you need to rent these or any other items such as electricity, internet, fire extinguishers, tent weights, etc, please request an additional order form. Please note -ALL TENTS are required to have Tent Weights on each leg.
Food, Cultural, Merchant & SMALL Non-Profits: Regular Vendor PRICING (No Contest) Vendors Include: Sale of Non- Alcoholic Drinks, Desserts, Snacks, SMALL Non-profits, Jewelry, Artisans, Artist, Crafts, Cultural, Candles, Bakeries, Food (Unless part of Contest categories).
Sales allowed ONLY under $75.00 per item price points.
This is not the correct application for the Cuban Sandwich or the Top Latino Chef Contest. If you are selling Latino Food, please check with us which application to use for your choice of events.
You cannot sell Cuban Sandwiches, Empanadas or other Latin Foods that may be part of the Top Latino Chef contest unless you are registered for the contest - this registration option does not include the contest.
Please note you are not allowed to sell Pina Coladas with this registration.
A 4.07% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions
To pay by mail, send a check for $750.00
Hispanic Cultural Resource Foundation, Inc.
14391 Spring Hill Dr
Suite #417
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
6th Annual Ford Taste of Latino Festival: YBOR CITY
Food, Drink of Cultural Vendor: (10x20)
Sunday, NOV 17TH, 2024 @ Centennial Park in Historic Ybor City
Food, Cultural, Merchant & SMALL Non-Profits: Regular Vendor PRICING (No Contest) Vendors Include: Sale of Non- Alcoholic Drinks, Desserts, Snacks, SMALL Non-profits, Jewelry, Artisans, Artist, Crafts, Cultural, Candles, Bakeries, Food (Unless part of Contest categories).
Sales allowed ONLY under $75.00 per item price points.
This is not the correct application for the Cuban Sandwich or the Top Latino Chef Contest. If you are selling Latino Food, please check with us which application to use for your choice of events.
INCLUDED IN PACKAGE: 1; 10x20 Food, Drink or Cultural Vendor Space on Smackdown Sunday: The BIG Day. Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. If you need to rent these or any other items such as electricity, internet, fire extinguishers, etc, please request an additional order form.
Please note that ALL TENT legs require tent weights.
Please note - if you are not in the contest, you are not allowed to sell Cuban Sandwiches, Empanadas or other Latin Foods that are in the contest.
A 4.07% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions
To pay by mail, send a check for $750.00
Hispanic Cultural Resource Foundation, Inc.
14391 Spring Hill Dr
Suite #417
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
6th Annual Ford Taste of Latino Festival: Ybor City
Food, Drink of Cultural Vendor: (10x10)
Sunday, NOV 17TH, 2024
@ Centennial Park in Historic Ybor City
1; 10x10 Food, Drink or Cultural Vendor Space on Smackdown Sunday: The BIG Day.
Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. If you need to rent these or any other items such as electricity, internet, fire extinguishers, tent weights, etc, please request an additional order form. Please note -ALL TENTS are required to have Tent Weights on each leg.
Food, Cultural, Merchant & SMALL Non-Profits: Regular Vendor PRICING (No Contest) Vendors Include: Sale of Non- Alcoholic Drinks, Desserts, Snacks, SMALL Non-profits, Jewelry, Artisans, Artist, Crafts, Cultural, Candles, Bakeries, Food (Unless part of Contest categories).
Sales allowed ONLY under $75.00 per item price points.
This is not the correct application for the Cuban Sandwich or the Top Latino Chef Contest. If you are selling Latino Food, please check with us which application to use for your choice of events.
You cannot sell Cuban Sandwiches with this option.
Please note your not allowed to sell Cuban Sandwiches in you are not registered in the contest.
Please note you are not allowed to sell Pina Coladas with this registration.
A 4.07% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions
To pay by mail, send a check for $450.00
Latin Times Media, Inc.,
14391 Spring Hill Dr
Suite #417
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
6th Annual Ford Taste of Latino Festival: YBOR CITY
Food, Drink of Cultural Vendor: (10x20) - NO CONTEST
Sunday, NOV 17TH, 2024 @ Centennial Park in Historic Ybor City
Food, Cultural, Merchant & SMALL Non-Profits: Regular Vendor PRICING (No Contest) Vendors Include: Sale of Non- Alcoholic Drinks, Desserts, Snacks, SMALL Non-profits, Jewelry, Artisans, Artist, Crafts, Cultural, Candles, Bakeries, Food (Unless part of Contest categories).
Sales allowed ONLY under $75.00 per item price points.
This is not the correct application for the Cuban Sandwich or the Top Latino Chef Contest. If you are selling Latino Food, please check with us which application to use for your choice of events.
INCLUDED IN PACKAGE: 1; 10x20 Food, Drink or Cultural Vendor Space on Smackdown Sunday: The BIG Day. Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. If you need to rent these or any other items such as electricity, internet, fire extinguishers, etc, please request an additional order form.
Please note that ALL TENT legs require tent weights.
Please note - if you are not in the contest, you are not allowed to sell Cuban Sandwiches, Empanadas, Arroz or other Latin Dishes that are part of the Top Latino Chef contest. If you wish to sell food that is in the contest, please register under the contest entry - pricing is usually better but you would have to be in at least 1 category of the contest.
A 4.07% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions
To pay by mail, send a check for $450.00
Hispanic Resource Family Cultural Center
14391 Spring Hill Dr
Suite #417
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..
6th Annual Ford Taste of Latino Festival: YBOR CITY
Food, Drink of Cultural Vendor: (10x30)
Sunday, NOV 17TH, 2024 @ Centennial Park in Historic Ybor City
Food, Cultural, Merchant & SMALL Non-Profits: Regular Vendor PRICING (No Contest) Vendors Include: Sale of Non- Alcoholic Drinks, Desserts, Snacks, SMALL Non-profits, Jewelry, Artisans, Artist, Crafts, Cultural, Candles, Bakeries, Food (Unless part of Contest categories).
Sales allowed ONLY under $75.00 per item price points.
This is not the correct application for the Cuban Sandwich or the Top Latino Chef Contest. If you are selling Latino Food, please check with us which application to use for your choice of events.
INCLUDED IN PACKAGE: 1; 10x30 Food, Drink or Cultural Vendor Space on Smackdown Sunday: The BIG Day. Tent, Table, and Chairs are not included. If you need to rent these or any other items such as electricity, internet, fire extinguishers, etc, please request an additional order form.
Please note - if you are not in the contest, you are not allowed to sell Cuban Sandwiches, Empanadas, Arroz or other Latin Dishes that are part of the Top Latino Chef contest. If you wish to sell food that is in the contest, please register under the contest entry - pricing is usually better but you would have to be in at least 1 category of the contest.
A 4.07% Processing fee is applied to all Credit Card Transactions
To pay by mail, send a check for $650.00
Hispanic Cultural Resource Foundation, Inc.
14391 Spring Hill Dr
Suite #417
Spring Hill, Fl. 34609
Your promotional package begins immediately upon receipt of registration.
There are no refunds on payments or deposits. The event will go on rain or shine or be rescheduled..